Saturday, 13 March, 2021   |   Curiosity
How to choose the perfect doormat

The doormat, one of the inevitable objects outside the home or workplace. It is very important to know how to choose the mat that suits our needs and our aesthetic taste. This item, in fact, is no longer simply a hygiene and cleaning tool, to reduce the dirt that can be brought inside the building, but has become a real piece of furniture.
There are several characteristics to be carefully evaluated to make the right choice and select the model that best meets our needs.
Let's see some of them now!


First of all it is necessary to analyze the different types of materials in which the doormat is made. The choice, in fact, must also take into account the place where the carpet will be placed, that is, whether inside or outside.

The dust control matsmade of polypropylene are perfect for any entrance, as they guarantee good cleaning and efficient drying of shoes; the vinyl bottom also makes the carpet non-slip and therefore extremely safe.

Coir fiber
The result of coir processing, doormats made with this natural and eco-sustainable material are appreciated for their resistance, especially to moisture, as well as for the excellent and effective cleaning of the shoe sole. These models are suitable for use outside the door, especially in high-traffic areas.

Another type of sturdy and durable doormat is the rubber one, usually made with grid designs. Besides being very resistant to atmospheric agents, it is very easy to wash. It is mainly used in areas where deep cleaning is required.


Once you have purchased the doormat, it is important to learn to take care of it and clean it in the most suitable way, so as to better preserve the integrity of the material over time and keep the colors unaltered. The cleaning to be carried out varies according to the composition of the doormat. If, in fact, it is a synthetic doormat, it is necessary to spray a sanitizer evenly, brush it, rinse with cold water and put it to dry.

If, on the other hand, our carpet is in coconut fiber, it will be sufficient to turn it with the brushes facing downwards and bang it vigorously: to conclude, you can also give it a pass with a vacuum cleaner before repositioning it.

Shape, size and style

The first thing that catches the sight of the guests once they arrive outside your home? The doormat! In addition to its practical function, this piece of furniture reflects the owner's style and personality and is also able to tell us many things about the characteristics of the home.

A factor to definitely take into consideration are the dimensions of the carpet, which must adapt and correspond as much as possible to the entrance door in front of which it will be placed.

Oltre ai classici zerbini con forma rettangolare, oggi è possibile trovarne a mezzaluna, rotondi, sagomati, a forma di cane, di gatto, di fiore… insomma, ce n’è davvero per tutti i gusti!

Quanto alla fantasia del tappeto, anche qui è davvero molto ampia e varia la gamma di scritte, loghi, colori e disegni disponibili. Non resta che scegliere lo zerbino che rispecchia maggiormente lo stile della vostra casa o dell’ufficio!

Zerbino perfetto: missione compiuta!

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